CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED// PRIORITY P 301939Z JUL 24 MID60010090833327S FM COMPACFLT PEARL HARBOR HI TO ALPACFLT INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC ZEN/COMPACFLT PEARL HARBOR HI BT UNCLAS MSGID/GENADMIN/COMPACFLT/JUL/ALPACFLT 010/24// SUBJ/U.S. PACIFIC FLEET ORDER - PROFESSIONALISM// GENTEXT/REMARKS/ 1. This Fleet Order on professionalism is the first in an updated series that is aligned and commensurate to previous U.S. Pacific Fleet Orders. This order defines professionalism as it pertains to service in the U.S. Navy's Pacific Fleet and prescribes my expectations for every Sailor and civilian. Professionalism forms the foundation of any elite organization. It is characterized by a culture of excellence coupled with a strict adherence to a shared code of conduct. A Pacific Fleet professional is further distinguished by unique expertise in the justified application of lethal force, a sworn commitment to adhere to the Navy core values, and to conduct oneself with integrity and tenacity in every aspect of life. 2. As Pacific Fleet Sailors, it is our duty to be ready at any time to take the fight forward to the enemy and win. Success in combat requires a bias for action, the constant drive for excellence in every aspect of our duty, and the ability to operate in close alignment with shipmates, other military service members, and allies and partners - that is professionalism. As professionals, we make the extremely hard look easy and routine when it is not. It starts with mastery of the basics and is furthered through ruthless execution of tactics, techniques, procedures, and relentless rehearsal. It requires us to be at our best and constantly striving to be better. Within the armed forces, professionalism is additionally characterized by the formal manner in which we carry out elements of our work and life - the appearance of our uniform or civilian attire, how we conduct ourselves at and off work, our fitness for duty, and the integrity and honor with which we approach every activity and interaction. 3. We are the finest Navy in the world. The visible demonstration of our warfighting readiness through operational competence, equipment effectiveness, and personal demeanor is the high standard of professionalism to which we hold ourselves. These standards are set and reset every moment by our words, our actions, or our inactions. As Pacific Fleet Sailors and civilians, we will conduct ourselves to the highest level of professionalism all the time. 4. It is our privilege to serve our country and wear its cloth, and we are all ambassadors for our nation. Our conduct impacts how other nations view our military and our country, and every day is an opportunity to demonstrate our high operational standards and readiness. Well-disciplined, professional Sailors at work and on liberty are a tremendous positive reflection on the United States, and that professionalism includes having the moral courage to always hold each other accountable. When you do so, not only are we better, but you strengthen the relationships, admiration and trust we enjoy worldwide. 5. The professionalism of the U.S. Pacific Fleet is our asymmetric advantage upon which everything else is built. It is the foundation of combat readiness, and I expect you to embrace it in all aspects and to instill it in your Sailors and teams. Be vigilant, take care of yourself, and look out for each other. Your 24/7 professionalism will ensure we are ready for combat and remain the best Navy on the planet. 6. ADM Koehler sends.// BT #6115 NNNN