Public Notice Pursuant to Hawaii Administrative Rules (HAR) §11-280.1-65.1(a) Letter to the Public Fact sheet
Updated Drinking Water Restoration Data Release Process
Letter from Rear Admiral Blake Converse, Deputy Commander, U.S. Pacific Fleet to Hawaii Elected Officials Rear Admiral Blake Converse, Deputy Commander, U.S. Pacific Fleet, wrote a letter to Senator Jarrett Keohokalole and to Representative Ryan Yamane providing follow up information on the Navy's Water Distribution Activities. Follow this link to see the full letter.
Daily Facebook Live Updates Commander, Navy Region Hawaii's chief of staff, Capt. Darren Guenther, will begin hosting daily Joint Base Water Updates on the JBPHH Facebook page, starting Dec. 20, at 12 p.m. These live, daily updates will address a variety of topics involved in the Drinking Water Distribution System Recovery Plan, to include pay, medical, flushing, and other issues. The Daily Updates will also provide progress reports, and will feature subject matter experts periodically who can address specific topics and answer questions.
Flushing Plan The U.S. Navy will begin flushing water lines at the Pearl City Peninsula military housing neighborhood on Dec. 20 in accordance with the Drinking Water Distribution System Recovery Plan. Learn more about the Flushing Plan here.
New EFAC Operating Hours Beginning Monday, Dec. 20, hours of operation for the Emergency Family Assistance Center (EFAC) will be 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday - Friday; and 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Saturdays and Sundays.
Interagency Drinking Water System Team Established The Hawaii Dept. of Health, U.S. Navy, U.S. Army and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) established an Interagency Drinking Water System Team Dec. 17 to restore safe drinking water to affected Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam (JBPHH) housing communities.
New Water Distribution Site A water distribution site has been established in Manana Housing at 840 Acadia Rd. Pearl City, HI 96782, providing both bottled water and a fill station from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily. See the Water Distribution section of this site for an overview of the various water distribution locations.
Secretary of Defense Statement Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III released a statement today concerning the water contamination issues. Read the statement here.
Opening statements at Hawaii State Legislature briefing Adm. Samuel Paparo, commander of U.S. Pacific Fleet; Rear Adm. Blake Converse, U.S. Pacific Fleet's deputy commander; Rear Adm. Dean VanderLey, commander of Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command Pacific and Pacific Fleet engineer; and Capt. Michael McGinnis, Pacific Fleet surgeon, addressed legislators, Dec. 10, during a virtual Joint Informational Briefing on the Red Hill water situation. Read the opening statements.
Field laundry/shower survey Let us know which neighborhood you're located in and whether your family is interested in field shower and laundry services such as those currently being offered at Halsey Terrace and Hickam Officers' Club (laundry only) by completing this survey .
Update on contracted drop-off laundry service The turnaround time and pickup location for contracted drop-off laundry services will change beginning Monday, Dec. 13. SITE 1: Drop off Monday, 9 AM - 1 PM at NEX site, pick up at Wednesday after 2 PM at Hickam Store SITE 2: Drop off Tuesday, 9 AM - 1 PM at Halsey Terrace site, pick up Thursday after 2 PM at Hickam Store SITE 3: Drop off Wednesday, 9 AM - 1 PM at Makai Recreation Center site, pick up Friday after 2 PM at Hickam Store. SITE 4: Drop off Thursday, 9 AM - 1 PM at Catlin Park Community Center site, pick up Saturday after 2 PM at Hickam Store. The Hickam Store is located in Bldg. 1232 ,1756 Kuntz Ave. JBPHH, HI 96853. Locations and street addresses for drop-off locations remain the same and are listed in Laundry section of this page. Note: This contracted drop off service is in addition to the same day Full Service provided by service members at the Halsey Terrace site. Also see Laundry section of this page for details.
Survey of Residents In an effort to better track and streamline information, all privatized housing residents affected by the current water-related health and safety concerns are required to complete the JPBHH Water Survey, regardless if: You previously utilized or are currently receiving TLA, regardless if it was in the form of self-procured lodging or government-contracted lodging You are requesting future TLA, regardless if it is in the form of self-procured lodging or government-contracted lodging You are remaining in your residence
Navy and Hawaii Dept. of Health to conduct additional sampling near Navy’s Aiea-Halawa Well The additional water sampling is being conducted after a sample taken Dec. 5 from an off-service section near Navy’s Aiea-Halawa Well showed abnormal results. Full story
Fact Sheet (Dec. 9, 2021) Support to Our Families in Need Navy and Marine Corps Relief Society has served 1,042 affected residents; disbursing $606,098. 24/7 JBPHH Emergency Operations Center (EOC) have received 1,833 phone calls to date. Majority of calls concerning odor and medical questions in Hickam Area housing communities. We will continue to respond with environmental teams. Emergency Family Assistance Center (EFAC): has assisted 1,380 individuals; 685 walk-in customers; 695 call center customers to date. Water distribution: 10.5K gal over the last 24 hrs, an increase of 3K gal from yesterday, attributing due to the improved weather. Total of 92.5K gal delivered to date. Providing to all schools, CDCs, & barracks/dorms. MWR providing support and food for families at Makai Rec Center, Catlin Park, and Halsey Terrace. People Current as of Dec. 8, 2021/12:00 HST unless otherwise noted 1893 households affected 435 families staying in home 923 procuring temporary off-base housing 535 receiving U.S. government-procured housing 754 temporary lodging allowance (TLA) claims have been made Nine shower facilities are available throughout the JBPHH vicinity, with business hours ranging from 5:00am-8:30pm HST in some locations, and 24 hours at others. Three health screening facilities are available in the JBPHH vicinity for military members, Department of Defense civilians and contractors, and their families, for screening, advisement, and treatment as needed. 2146 medical appointments and screenings have been conducted (as of Dec. 6, 2021) Logistics Current as of Dec. 7, 2021/3:00 HST unless otherwise noted Bottled and bulk potable water resources: 17,975 bottles of water 5,780 gallons of potable water in trucks 4,250 gallons of water in mobile containers Water distribution is at four locations across the JBPHH vicinity, and at multiple locations at the Alimanu Military Reservation (AMR), with hours ranging from 7:00am-8:00pm HST. Drop off laundry services are available at four locations, near water distribution stations, throughout the JBPHH vicinity with hours ranging from 9:00am-1:00pm HST. Supporting the CDC schools with pickup/drop off service. Four locations throughout the JBPHH vicinity have portable toilets, handwashing stations, and dumpsters. Water / Engineering Current as of Dec. 8, 2021/8:00 HST unless otherwise noted 890 water samples have been collected, with 529 tests completed Dec. 9, 2021 fact sheet (PDF version)
Secretary of the Navy pauses operations to address water issues at Red Hill Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro directed the pause of all operations at the Red Hill Underground Storage Tanks until the completion of the ongoing Commander, U.S. Pacific Fleet-led investigation into the source of petroleum products affecting the water system. Read the news release and full SECNAV memo here.
Mesh bags available at laundry drop-off sites Drop-off laundry sites will provide mesh bags for laundry. You may also continue to use your own mesh bags. See the Laundry section for complete details.
Air Force Aid Society Airman and Family Readiness Center (A&FRC) is processing Air Force Aid Society applications by appointment due to limited staff. A&FRC is operating out of its normal location: Building 1105 Daily, 8:00 AM–10:00 PM Phone Numbers: (808) 449-0303 & (808) 449-0310 There is also a A&FRC representative at the Military and Family Support Center daily, during the hours of 7:30 AM–4:30 PM.
Medical Screenings The Medical Care section of this page has been updated to include locations and times where medical screenings are available: Makalapa Naval Health Clinic (walk-in-or by appoint thru the nurse advice line 1-800-874-2273); Monday-Friday 7:30 AM-4:30 PM Halsey Terrace Community Center (walk-In only; 630 Pool St. Honolulu HI 96818); Monday-Friday 7:30 AM-4:30 PM Emergency Family Action Center (EFAC) @ JBPHH MFSC 2nd floor or they can call 1-866-525-6676; 7 days a week 7:00 AM-8:00 PM
Onizuka Village The list of affected communities in the Lodging Assistance Information section has been corrected to include Onizuka Village.
Filing for Reimbursement With the Navy for Loss or Damages to Personal Property or Expenses Incurred as a Result of Red Hill Water Contamination If you are an active duty Navy or Marine Corps member or a reservist on active duty residing in DoN PPV Housing and your personal property has been damaged or destroyed due to fuel-contaminated water, you may file a Personnel Claims Act (PCA) claim if your personal property was located in your assigned quarters or located on base when it was damaged, following the directions below. Army and Air Force personnel should file with their own service. Note - Incidental claims (e.g. costs incurred in relation to your actual property loss such as purchasing water or laundry services ) and inconvenience claims are not covered under the PCA. For military members, these expenses are covered under other allowances that are being made available to you. If you are a retiree, a civilian employee of the USG, or a local resident residing in PPV Housing, your requests for reimbursement for loss or damage to personal property, or for incidental expenses such as water, are not covered under the PCA. However, a separate process is being developed to provide reimbursement to you. Guidance on submitting such claims will be published within the next few days. Claims packets and directions for filing a PCA claim can be obtained at the EFAC at the Military and Family Support Center, 4827 Bouganville Drive or at RLSO NW DET HI, 850 Williamette St, Bldg 1746 (2nd floor, Legal Assistance), JBPHH or found on-line at Click on “Claims” under “For Sailors and families” then select “Packets and Forms” on the right side of the screen (direct link). Upon completion of your packet, you can drop it off at the EFAC or RLSO NW DET HI or you may submit it online directly to the Personnel Claims Unit (PCU) located in Norfolk, VA. The PCU help line is manned from 0400-1600 HST. The phone numbers are commercial (757) 440-6315 or DSN 564-3310, ** From 1300 – 1600 HST, call (571) 271-1616 or (202) 604-0139** The fax numbers are (757) 440-6316 and DSN 564-3337. The email address is Questions? For questions regarding filing a PCA claim, contact the Claims Help Line, listed above. For questions regarding reimbursement of incidental expenses, contact the MFSC EFAC at 866 525-6676. The EFAC is manned from 0700 – 2000 daily.
Partial TLA Authorized The Navy and the Air Force have authorized partial TLA (meals) for active duty members living in the currently designated affected housing areas, if they decide to stay in their housing. We continue to work on authorization for all other categories of individuals (civilians, contractors, retirees, Reservists) in these current designated housing areas who decide to stay in their homes. Service members should contact the command to which they are assigned for TLA processing.
Press Conference Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV) Carlos Del Toro, Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) Adm. Mike Gilday and Rear Adm. Blake Converse, deputy commander of U.S. Pacific Fleet, conducted a press conference at the U.S. Pacific Fleet headquarters today. It is available to view on DVIDS.
Air Force Town Hall Meeting Air Force leadership on Joint Base Pearl-Harbor Hickam hosted an in-person town hall meeting Dec. 6 at the Hickam Memorial Theater to answer Air Force specific questions about the ongoing water issues and provide information about available resources. The town hall meeting was streamed live on the 15th Wing Facebook page.
Updated Joint Health Service Guidance Public health experts from the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps and Hawaii Department of Health have published a patient handout with important information about potential exposure to contaminated water. Download the handout and view its contents below. As of 4 December 2021, preliminary water testing has revealed the possible presence of a petroleum-based substance in the water supply of some housing areas. Here’s what you need to know. Short term health effects Many factors determine whether a person can be harmed by petroleum products, including the dose (how much), the duration (for how long), the route of exposure, and the state of health of the individual. Routes of exposure: Ingestion (through drinking, cooking, and oral hygiene) Skin exposure (bathing, oral hygiene) Inhalation (through vapors/air borne particles) Symptoms of recent exposure: Irritated skin Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea Headache Dizziness, confusion, low energy The symptoms listed above have multiple potential causes aside from contaminated water. To be safe, if you experience the symptoms above after exposure to potentially contaminated water, take the following actions: Eliminate all exposures to the water source (including ice and small appliances). Increase fresh air and rest until symptoms subside. Wash exposed skin with clean water and soap. Use over the counter medications to treat headache, stomach upset, and skin irritation if desired. Seek immediate medical attention for difficulty breathing, confusion, disorientation, behavior changes, severe nausea and vomiting, or other serious conditions. Long term health effects Long term effects to health from exposure to petroleum-contaminated drinking water are not clear. Most of the available information on long term health effects of petroleum-based products involve exposure to undiluted or highly concentrated petroleum products, or prolonged or repeated exposures to these products. Pregnancy Very little information exists about exposure to petroleum products during pregnancy. Pregnant women with symptoms of recent exposure as noted above should contact their obstetric provider. Nearly all body systems are completely formed early in pregnancy. The placenta is an excellent filter and is designed to protect the baby. Some chemicals do cross the placenta and can affect the baby’s growth and development. If you are concerned about potential impact on your unborn child, please contact your obstetric provider. Home Recommendations If fuel odors are present or water is visibly contaminated, DO NOT USE tap water for any purpose due to the potential risks from ingestion, skin, and inhalational exposures. Refrain from drinking water or using ice from the refrigerator, cooking, or conducting oral hygiene activities (tooth brushing), throughout the affected military housing areas. If no fuel odor is detected, doing laundry, dishwashing, hand washing and bathing (short showers preferred) are OK. These activities are deemed low risk to cause skin irritation. Toilets may be flushed. Please close the lid first to prevent any possible contaminants being put into the air. If a fuel odor is detected, open windows and use fans to move air throughout the home for 10- 15 minutes, or until the smell dissipates. There is no concern about using air conditioning, which is a closed system. Resources The Military Health System will document exposure symptoms of patients in their medical record. Please contact your primary care provider for additional information, as well as for any remaining concerns. If symptoms persist or worsen, contact the individual’s primary care provider or consult with the following telephone resources: Military Health System H2O hotline at 808-433-8102, available daily from 7:30 AM - 4 PM TRICARE Nurse Advice Line at 800-874-2273, available 24/7 Hawaii Poison Center at 800-222-1222, available 24/7 Additional information is available at the following online resources: Joint Base Pearl Harbor Hickam Facebook page US Army Garrison Hawaii and Task Force Ohana website US Army Garrison Hawaii Facebook page Hawai’i Department of Health
Free Grab-and-Go Lunch/Activities Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam’s Morale, Welfare and Recreation’s (MWR) Catlin School-Age Care and Makai Recreation Center are providing a free grab-and-go lunch and family activities for service members and their dependents, DoD civilian employees and retirees living in military housing impacted by the water issue. Location and hours of operation: Catlin School-Age Care - Weekends: 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. / Free Grab-and-Go lunch: 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. - Weekdays: 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. / Free Grab-and-Go lunch: 10:30 a.m. to noon Makai Recreation Center - Weekends: 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. / Free Grab-and-Go lunch: 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. - Weekdays: 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. / Free Grab-and-Go lunch: 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Both sites will have activities for families. Visit GreatLifeHawaii Facebook for specific activities and times.
Counseling Services Available The JBPHH Military and Family Service Center has licensed clinical counselors on staff every day for those in need. A team of them is available, along with a chaplain, in the Emergency Family Assistance Center (EFAC) dedicated to providing counseling. See the Family Assistance section of this page for hours and contact information.
Lodging Assistance Information Commander, Navy Region Hawaii, has determined lodging procurement is necessary for active duty service members, their dependents, Federal civilian employees and their authorized dependents, and all other privatized housing residents affected by the current water-related health and safety concerns. This authorization is for anyone living in housing who self-certify they are affected, from 3 Dec 2021 to 12 Dec 2021, and in the communities listed below: Red Hill Catlin Park Halsey Terrace Radford Terrace Doris Miller Hale Na Koa Earhart Village Officer Field Moanalua Terrace Aliamanu Military Reservation (administered via US Army Garrison Hawaii) There are three categories of lodging procurement individuals will adhere to: temporary lodging allowance (TLA), TDY orders, and government-contracted lodging. Affected active duty service members and their authorized dependents will be approved for TLA. TLA includes lodging and per diem. For those unable to self-procure lodging, or wait for reimbursement, the government has contracted housing. Please contact the Housing Assistance Call Center, 24-hours a day at (808) 789-5287. Affected Federal civilian employees and their authorized dependents will receive individual travel orders from their parent commands to evacuate to unaffected Oahu locations. Affected Federal civilian employees are authorized lodging and per diem. This allows for TDY orders to a designated safe haven (i.e., the unaffected areas of Oahu). Federal civilian employees do not have to wait for the orders before procuring lodging. Costs incurred by an evacuee for travel outside of the designated safe haven (i.e. unaffected area of Oahu) will be responsibility of the evacuee. For those who are unable to self-procure lodging, or wait for reimbursement, the government has contracted lodging. Please contact the Housing Assistance Call Center, 24-hours a day, at (808) 789-5287. All other affected PPV residents (contractors, state employees, retirees, all others) will be provided government-contracted lodging through coordination with the Housing Assistance Call Center at (808) 789-5287. There is currently no provision for per diem; however, these PPV residents should keep their receipts for actual expenses incurred. For residents who remain in their PPV residence that is impacted, any payment for incidentals or per diem will be assessed on a case by case basis. It is recommended that you keep all receipts. All residents in impacted areas that are requesting lodging, whether self-service or through the government contracted lodging, must complete the Hotel and Data Request Form (PDF) and forward it to or within 24 hours. TLA Approved Hotels TLA Daily Rates Affected PPV residents not residing in one of the 10 named communities may also contact the EOC Information Hotline to request lodging at (808) 449-1979, (808) 448-3262, (808) 448-2557, (808) 448-2570, or (808) 448-2583.
Additional Laundry/Shower Facilities Available at Halsey Terrace Additional shower and laundry facilities are available at Halsey Terrace, 620 Pool Street. Water at these facilities is from a different source than Aliamanu Reservation, Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam and Red Hill. 12 male and 12 female shower heads are available for use 6 AM - 10 PM daily, on a first-come, first-serve basis. Showers are limited to 10 minutes per person, and 20 minutes for families with children under 6 years old. Please bring your own toiletries, towels. Swim wear and shower shoes are advised. Additionally, 8 industrial washer and dryer machines are available for use 6 AM - 10 PM daily, on a first-come, first-serve basis. All laundry items must be placed into one large mesh bag and weigh below 5 pounds. While laundry detergent is provided, please bring mesh bags which are not. DoD ID card and proof of residence is required at the sign in station. COVID rules apply; mask requirement is in place for individuals who are not vaccinated. Masks must remain on in both locations until you enter showers. Please be advised, there is no on-site parking for the shower and laundry facilities. Street parking in the area is limited. Exercise caution and be aware of surroundings when moving between your vehicle and the shower and laundry facilities. You can make reservations for showers and washers and dryers at this facility here:”